Welcome to the Participants in Florida’s ROSC Initiative

June 7th, 2018 @

Welcome to all of our ROSC/Recovery champions in Florida!  ROSC is a system transformation initiative being led by Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) to establish an integrated, values based recovery oriented system of care where recovery is expected and achieved through meaningful partnerships and shared decision making with individuals, communities and systems.  This SAPT web site is designed to provide tools and resources to support your system improvement efforts.

To access the version of the SAPT that was adapted for the ROSC initiative, please click the documents tab.  The ROSC document will be the first listed.

Please feel free to submit a reply to this post.  If you are interested, we can use this blog as a space to share ideas about strategies, challenges, and victories on this road to a recovery-oriented system of care.

Also, please don’t hesitate to send an e-mail if you would like to communicate with me directly: [email protected]

Thanks for visiting the site!

Psychiatric Medications and Recovery

April 2nd, 2012 @

Welcome to the first discussion topic on SAPT Recovery.  Our hope is that in addition to being a resource for service providers, this site will provide a forum for consumers and service providers to share perspectives on approaches that are most helpful for supporting the process of recovery.

 Behavioral Healthcare Magazine published an interview with Robert Whitaker, author of the 2010 book about psychiatric medications entitled “Anatomy of An Epidemic”.  In both the interview and the book, Mr. Whitaker expresses concern about the rise in the number of people with disabilities related to mentally illness in recent years and about the long term effect of psychiatric medications.  The two part interview with the author entitled “Transforming Our Thinking About Psychiatric Medications” and rebuttals by William Glazer, M.D. can be viewed on-line at www.behavioral.net/magazine-issues (View Issue Archives: July-August, September, October, and November-December 2011).  Mr. Whitaker’s response to the rebuttal can be viewed at his blog site in Mad in America, entitled “Answering the Critics: Let’s Roll the Tape (Again)” (11/30/11) www.madinamerica.com.  His work has stimulated some spirited discussions that have important implications for how we can best support the process of recovery from serious mental illnesses.

I thought we could start out with a question for consumers and later invite service providers to share perspectives. 

How have medications helped or hindered your process of recovery? 

Thank you for visiting and sharing experiences.

Jim Winarski

April 2, 2012

Kristin Kosyluk, PhD
University of South Florida

College of Behavioral & Community Sciences
Dept. of Mental Health Law & Policy,
Louis De La Parte Florida Mental Health Institute
13301 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33612-3807

(813) 974-6019
FAX (813) 974-9327

[email protected]